Clean and sanitise fermenter, spoon, cup and jug.
Fill the cup to 3/4 full with cold brewing water. Sprinkle in the dried yeast and gently stir in. Cover.
Soften the malt cans in hot water for about 5 minutes.
Pour 2 litres of boiling water into your 5L jug. Open the cans and pour the contents into the jug.
(Optional step, not necessary with the Brick Road malt). Steep the crystal and toffee malts, steep for 30 minutes in 2L of water at 65 Degrees C, and strain the water into your fermenter.
Mix the concentrated wort and water well, then pour into your fermenter. Top up to 19 litres with cold quality brewing water. Ensure the wort temperature is 15 - 25 degrees celcius. Vigourously stir the wort with a large spoon to oxygenate it. Gently pour in the cup of yeast slurry and gently stir into the oxygenated wort.
Seal the fermenter lid and insert airlock. Ferment at 18-14 degrees Celcius for four days.
On Day 4, put half of each of the hops into a sanitised hop sock or tube, tied with non-scented dental floss. Gently sink the hops into the wort.
On Day 7, remove the first dry hop and add the remaining hops as above.
Check the gravity. If the SG remains steady for three days, fermentation is complete. Keg or bottle your brew.