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Classic NZ Pilsner 10/12.5L (Emersons Pilsner Clone)

New Zealand Pilsner style was first created by Richard Emerson. It is a lighter version of a European Pilsner, with a malt base designed to showcase the NZ hops. The distinctive fresh, fruity flavours of Riwaka, Motueka and Nelson Sauvin hops are the highlights of this refreshing beer. enjoy with fish and chips on the beach.
Prep Time40 minutes
Active Time10 days
Course: Drinks
Keyword: Emersons Pilsner clone, Home Brew Beer, New Zealand Pilsner
Cost: 35


  • 1 30 litre fermenter
  • 1 Large mixing spoon
  • 1 5 litre jug
  • 1 Cup


  • 1.5 kg Brick Road Dry Lager
  • 1 11.5g Fermentis W 34/70 Yeast
  • 15 g Riwaka
  • 15 g Nelson Sauvin
  • 15 g Motueka


  • Clean and sanitise fermenter, spoon, cup and jug.
  • Fill the cup to 3/4 full with cold brewing water. Sprinkle in the dried yeast and gently stir in. Cover.
  • Soften the malt can in hot water for about 5 minutes.
  • Pour 2 litres of boiling water into your 5L jug. Open the can and pour the contents into the jug.
  • Mix the concentrated wort and water well, then pour into your fermenter. Top up with cold quality brewing water to 10-12.5L for approx. 5.0% ABV. Vigourously stir the wort with a large spoon to oxygenate it. Ensure the wort temperature is 12-18 degrees Celcius. Gently pour in the cup of yeast slurry and gently stir into the oxygenated wort.
  • Seal the fermenter lid and insert airlock. Ideally ferment at 12-18 degrees Celcius for 10 - 14 days. Increase the temperature to 17C for the last 3 days as a 'diacetyl rest'.
  • Dry hop with all the hops on day 5. Ideally put the hops into a dry hop bag or similar, and suspend it in the wort using unscented dental floss for 48 hours.
  • After 10-14 days, check the gravity. If the SG remains steady for three days, fermentation is complete. If in doubt, leave a few more days for better results. Keg or bottle your brew.
  • NOTE: For Williamswarn and pressure brewing systems, follow the brewing instructions for a lager yeast recipe.