Bluey's Old Dark

This Toohey's Old and Speight's Old Dark clone is a delicious, easy-drinking malty beer that has a toasty, caramel flavour from dark ale malts, balanced with low-medium bitterness.  Brewing to 23L 4.3% ABV; colour is deep brown 55EBC, bitterness is low-medium 22IBU.
Prep Time40 minutes
Active Time10 days
Course: Drinks
Keyword: Home Brew Beer, Tooheys Old
Cost: 35


  • 1 30 litre fermenter
  • 1 Large mixing spoon
  • 1 5 litre jug
  • 1 Cup


  • 1.5 kg Brick Road Classic Old Dark kit
  • 1.5 kg Brick Road Amber Malt


  • Clean and sanitise fermenter, spoon, cup and jug.
  • Fill the cup to 3/4 full with cold brewing water. Sprinkle in the dried yeast and gently stir in. Cover.
  • Soften the malt cans in hot water for about 5 minutes.
  • Pour 2 litres of boiling water into your 5L jug. Open the cans and pour the contents into the jug.
  • Mix the concentrated wort and water well, then pour into your fermenter. Top up with cold quality brewing water to 23L for approx. 4.3% ABV. Vigourously stir the wort with a large spoon to oxygenate it. Ensure the wort temperature is 16-25 degrees Celcius. Gently pour in the cup of yeast slurry and gently stir into the oxygenated wort.
  • Seal the fermenter lid and insert airlock. Ideally ferment at 18-24 degrees Celcius for 10 - 14 days.
  • After 10-14 days, check the gravity. If the SG remains steady for three days, fermentation is complete. If in doubt, leave a few more days for better results. Keg or bottle your brew.
  • NOTE: For WilliamsWarn and pressure brewing systems, follow the fermenting instructions for an Ale yeast recipe.

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